Tai Chi Classes Begin Monday, January 10, 2022
Beginning Monday, January 10, 2022 House of Tai Chi & Qigong will offer six weekly classes. The Classes are held in studio in Jasper, Texas at the Jasper Jewels Gymnastics Center at 201 Calvert Street. You can also join these Classes Online.
Weekly Schedule is as follows…
Mondays ~ 8:30am
Wednesdays ~ 10am, 3pm & 6pm
Fridays ~ 7:30am & 6:15pm
To signup and purchase classes use the “Signup Link” below. If you are joining us Online you will need to signup using the Online Schedule. If you are taking classes in person you can signup before your first class using the app by following the “Signup Link” or if you need assistance, just come to the class of your choice and we will assist you in getting signed up. (FOR THOSE WHO LIVE OUTSIDE OF THE U.S. PLEASE CONTACT ME FOR DETAILS ON HOW YOU CAN JOIN US ONLINE. UNFORTUNATELY THIS SIGNUP APP DOES NOT ACCOMODATE THOSE WHO LIVE OURSIDE OF THE U.S.)
To signup using the link below click on the link, then click… Registration…Camps…Choose which schedule you prefer… in studio Tai Chi Classes or Online Tai Chi Classes… then click on Select Students…No, Create Account… then follow the instructions for creating your account.
Once you have created your account, choose which classes you want to register for and pay for for the month, (you will have to register for classes for each month, or purchase one class at a time. All classes purchased in a month must be used in that month. No refunds will be given for unused classes). The first 5 classes you attend for each month are $12 per class, classes 6+ are then $10 per class.
REMEMBER! If you are going to be taking In Studio Classes in Jasper you will need a pair of tennis shoes devoted solely to Tai Chi. The reason is because we are currently using the beautiful facility at Jasper Jewels Gymnastic Center and we will be on their gymnastics floor and no Street Shoes are allowed. Clean shoes ONLY!
If you have questions or need assistance in signing up for classes please email me at taichiteacher11@gmail.com or Contact Us Here. You can also find me on Facebook and Private Message me there at House of Tai Chi & Qigong.
You may also contact me via Facebook at House of Tai Chi & Qigong.
While you’re on Facebook be sure to “Like” & “Follow” House of Tai Chi & Qigong and hop on over to the “House of Tai Chi & Qigong Family Group” and join. It’s a great way to stay up to date on happenings and a wonderful place to connect with your Tai Chi Family, as well as a place to ask questions and share your personal Tai Chi experiences.
House of Tai Chi & Qigong
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